Web Team Blog

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  • Web Ambassador

Goodbye/Hello Amy Windsor


I am pleased to announce that Amy Windsor (A-Dubs to most of you) has applied for and accepted a new position on the Web Team—social media strategist.


The importance of headings


As we launch more and more sites, we've noticed that people are struggling with the use of headings. We know this is a foreign concept to many of the new ambassadors, but it is extremely important. So, we thought we'd share a bit of info here to explain how and why they are used.


Our crack commando unit


Amy and I finally landed on a name for our dynamic Web strategy duo. Seems fitting.

And of course now I can't get the theme song out of my head...


Introducing the New Ambassadors Blog




We have a blog!!

We now have a space where we can share web-related news coming down the pike, comment on each others' brilliance or our own idiocy (never the inverse!), and start building some online community.


Managing Your Files Within the CMS


I got an interesting email this morning from Paul Olinger, in Academic Planning and Faculty Development, asking if there was a way to create folders within the Media bin under Content and thought everyone might benefit from the answer before your Media files become too numerous.
