Now we're rockin & rollin'!

Congrats to all of the round two site ambassadors who have completed training! Applause all around!

You're rounding the bases, and home plate is in sight. All of the work you did beforehand with your content in Word is paying off now. You should be able to copy and paste the majority of your site into the new template. 

This phase of content migration and spotlight development can take some time, but don't get frustrated! You have a team of Web gurus at your disposal. Don't hesitate to contact one of us.

Next steps

  • Each of you have until mid-October to finish your site and launch. Please let us know when you think you will be ready for your final review and the Amys will do a final content audit to get you ready.
  • Schedule a photo shoot if necessary for the main pictures of your site (top images and centerpieces). The Web team will happily take photos and set them up on your site for you.
  • Get final approval from the powers-that-be for your site to launch.

Sites typically launch on Mondays in batches of 3-5. Keep that in mind when you are planning your launch date.

If you were unable to attend a training session, remember to look through our tutorials section for advice or contact the Help Desk for support. If you would like help or guidance on your site's structure and/or content, contact one of the Amys.



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