Goodbye/Hello Amy Windsor

I am pleased to announce that Amy Windsor (A-Dubs to most of you) has applied for and accepted a new position on the Web Team—social media strategist. Her new role will be to build online communities, capture and engage new audiences, coordinate viral campaigns and targeted online outreach programs to promote brand awareness and drive key audiences to the University through social media.

The good news is that she will soon begin assisting colleges, departments, offices, and organizations with their social media presence. For those of you who may not know, Amy is an acclaimed blogger (the Bitchin' Wives Club) and has an extensive background in social media communications. Plus, it's her passion. So I know she will soar in this new role and will bring the support and inspiration to all of you in need of social media guidance.

That means I'm going to start a search soon for a new Web content strategist. Fear not, Amy will continue to support the development of website and will not completely shift into her new role until her current role is filled. So if you know any crackerjack Web strategists out there, tell them to keep an eye on the HR site for a job posting in the next few weeks.



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