First Web Writing Workshops complete!

Congratulations to all of our web ambassadors who braved through our first Web Writing Workshops. We're really excited about what we were able to accomplish in the workshops, and how great you've been at developing content on your own.

From now on, we'll be having workshops for all of the colleges, departments, and offices that are going through the website redesign process. Developing your content can seem like an overwhelming task, but we want to help you every step of the way. Everyone's new website looks great, but that means very little without strong content for your site visitors — after all, they're coming to your site because they want to learn more about you.

Each workshop will cover tips and tricks for developing your content, writing and organizing for your site visitors, incorporating photos into your content, and formatting your content for the different people who will be visiting your site. After we've covered that, we open the floor to anyone who needs help tweaking or developing content. In some cases, we wrote an entire About Us page for the different sites. It's an interactive and informative workshop, and each one is catered to help you with your individual site.

Soon, we'll start offering workshops for those of you whose sites are already live. Sign up for the next workshop, or we can schedule a time to meet one-on-one. Email Elizabeth Rose at with any questions, concerns, or requests.





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