Web Team Blog

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  • Web Ambassador

The wonderful world of the content calendar


You’re busy. There’s too much to be done and not enough hours in the day. We get it. And we feel your pain.

Creating web content has been added to your plate on top of everything else you do. It may seem like too much or feel out of your comfort zone. We get that too.


The new calendar has launched!


After months of preparation, the new calendar is finally here! It is now available for the world to see at calendar.louisiana.edu.

The new calendar is a comprehensive view of everything happening on campus.

This calendar aggregates all events from:


New Online Calendar Coming Soon


We're preparing to launch a new online calendar system that will replace the current way we enter events into the website. It will go live on Thursday, Sept. 5. Any events happening after that date should be entered into the new system.


Office Hours Survey: Results & Next Steps


This summer, we surveyed our web ambassadors to see if they would take advantage of web team office hours if we offered them.

The overwhelming response was YES! Most of you said you would take advantage of office hours and that’d you like to have it offered every other week.


Four Ways to Incorporate Social Media on Your Website


Many departments and offices at UL Lafayette are using social media to reach students and alumni in ways that they don't traditionally use their websites. When was the last time you posted a photo gallery to your site? Or a news story that was only 240 characters long?


How to shoot better photos for your website


Contributed web team blog from Doug Dugas, University Photographer in the Office of Communications & Marketing

Compelling photos on a website are paramount. The fact that you started reading this shows you also think that better images equate to better websites.
