Office Hours Survey: Results & Next Steps

This summer, we surveyed our web ambassadors to see if they would take advantage of web team office hours if we offered them.

The overwhelming response was YES! Most of you said you would take advantage of office hours and that’d you like to have it offered every other week.

During office hours, we would like to be available to help with content (Elizabeth Rose-Arcuri), technical support (Collin Wynne), and social media (Amy Windsor). We want to make ourselves available to you.

We’re also considering having semesterly users group meetings for all web ambassadors, where we can show you any updates and have open discussions about the website, communication, your needs, and anything else you’d like.

We’re going to start planning office hours and will let you know what kind of schedule we decide on. We’ll need to find a computer lab that’s regularly open, and we’ll need to find times that work with most people’s schedules.

If you’d like to be a part of the planning, let us know! We’d love to work with you. Contact us at or call 2-1626.



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We're preparing to launch a new online calendar system that will replace the current way we enter events into the website. It will go live on Thursday, Sept. 5. Any events happening after that date should be entered into the new system.