Using tags to get more out of calendar events

Thanks to web ambassador Cheryl in the Office of Campus Diversity for suggesting this topic!

We're so excited to see that our web ambassadors have really embraced the new calendar. Having an active calendar is an important tool for student recruitment and student involvement, and you all are doing an excellent job keeping it full!

How tagging your events can give them more distance

Tags are one of the most useful features on the website because visitors can easily customize what they want to see. If you're not tagging your events, you risk not having your event seen when people sort and search on the calendar.

Checkbox tags

When you visit the calendar home page, the events show up in a long list by date. On the right, you'll see there are boxes visitors can check to sort the events by "event type" or by "audience."

Those checkboxes are used a lot. They're the easiest way for visitors to find what they're looking for right away. If you're using those checkboxes, people won't see your events where they would expect. And if they don't see your events, they can't know to attend.

(insert screen shot)

Are we missing a checkbox category that you would use? Let us know! Email to tell us and we can easily add it.



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After months of preparation, the new calendar is finally here! It is now available for the world to see at

The new calendar is a comprehensive view of everything happening on campus.

This calendar aggregates all events from:

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