Timeline & content planning for the website redesign

This website redesign is a massive project — and we need our web ambassadors' help. Here's how we're planning on tackling it all.

Redesign Timeline

We've already been working on the website redesign for a year. We have our designs in hand, and now we're working on content development and the technical build.

Here is the order and anticipated timeline for the project:

  1. Main website launch: May 2020
    • This main website will include the higher-level university-wide content, undergraduate admissions information, undergraduate academic program pages, student spotlights, faculty and staff profiles, and more.
  2. Websites for student services and needs + graduate and online programs: Summer through Fall 2020
    • This group includes sites like Financial Aid, Scholarships, Housing, Graduate School, Distance Learning, and Career Services.
  3. Websites for University operations: Fall 2020
    • Offices like Human Resources, Purchasing, Payroll, and such will be in this round.
  4. College and departmental websites: Spring 2021 and on
    • We'll complete the websites for a college and all of its departments in one semester, keeping them together in a group.
    • The order of colleges and departments hasn't been decided yet — we're working with Academic Affairs to figure that out. Most often, it's based on accreditation timelines.

Where We'll Need Web Ambassadors' Help

Check out the site designs, if you haven't seen them already.

Academic program pages

Undergraduate program pages are launching with the main website in May 2020. We'll need your help determining the content and identifying the other people in your area we should meet with. Once we start on online and graduate programs, we'll need your help there, too.

Faculty and staff profiles

Every faculty and staff member is going to have a profile page on the website. We've developed a form to collect the relevant and important information, and we'll need your help encouraging others in your area to fill them out.

We'll have a university-wide communication plan to encourage faculty and staff to fill out the form, but we may be asking you to help convince them, too.

Student, alumni and faculty spotlights

Telling our students' stories is a major initiative for this redesign. We need your help finding the stories worth telling.

We'll be asking for this information while we're working on program pages and faculty and staff profiles, but we'll take any and all ideas. These can be students you teach, your student workers, acquaintances from the community, and involved or successful alumni.


We want your points of pride! We're collecting ideas for differentiators now, but we'll be reaching out throughout the redesign process to highlight these on the website (plus we'll use them for other marketing and communications materials, too).

Differentiators can include rankings or accolades, unique features of your office or programs, opportunities for students, or initiatives.

Research stories

Do you have students and faculty working on research? We want to know about it, especially with the upcoming QEP on student research.

Have ideas already?

Great! We want to hear them! Email elizabeth@louisiana.edu with the info, and we'll follow up right away.



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You’re busy. There’s too much to be done and not enough hours in the day. We get it. And we feel your pain.

Creating web content has been added to your plate on top of everything else you do. It may seem like too much or feel out of your comfort zone. We get that too.