Web redesign update: content, content, content

We’re making major progress on the website redesign. Between building the new site and creating all of the content for it, we have a busy few months ahead.

Thanks again to everyone who came to our redesign presentation sessions. If you haven’t seen the new look yet, let us know! We’re happy to show it to you.

Our current focus: all new site contenttyping cat gif

We are all in on content. With just a few months to write everything for the new main website, we need your help getting the information.

Scheduling interviews on campus

Aimee Abshire and I will be reaching out to people across campus to schedule “interviews,” aka informal sessions where we ask about your work, initiatives, and projects. If you hear from us, please clear a little time in your schedule.

The University has grown so much since we launched our current website, and we have a lot more to showcase! Meeting with each of you will help us showcase the impressive work happening here.

Undergraduate program pages

We’ve met with almost every college to get started on program-related content. If you’re not familiar with our new approach, each undergraduate program will have a dedicated page on the new site. Here’s more information about the program pages, if you’d like the details.

To gather all of the information we need for these program pages, all web ambassadors, department heads and program coordinators should have received questionnaires about the programs in their areas.

Many thanks to those who have already returned their questionnaires. If you haven’t gotten to it yet, please take a moment to fill those out and send them back. We can meet with you to go over the questionnaires together, if that helps. This information is vital to our progress!

Student & alumni spotlights

We’re always looking for alumni and students to highlight on the website. If you know a student or alum with a compelling or interesting story — or they’re just great to talk to — let us know!

We’d love to find a place on the website for their stories. We have a set of questions ready to go and we’re happy to meet.

Updated website redesign timeline

  • December - March: Writing content, shooting videos and photos, building the website
  • March 31: Deadline for completing all main website content
  • April: User testing the main website and content with target audiences (prospective students, parents, and business and industry partners)
  • May: New main website launches!
  • June: Redesign for the first round of subsites begins.


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You’re busy. There’s too much to be done and not enough hours in the day. We get it. And we feel your pain.

Creating web content has been added to your plate on top of everything else you do. It may seem like too much or feel out of your comfort zone. We get that too.

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We’re lifting the shroud on UL Lafayette’s website redesign! After much anticipation, we’re in the thick of planning for the new website.

We want to share what we heard throughout our research and also show you what we’re doing to address that feedback.