The '12 Yays' of the Web Team

The semester is coming to an end and it’s time to reflect on what we’ve accomplished this year.

And in the spirit of the holiday season, we’re celebrating the “12 yays” of the web team!

12 weeks of office hours

Earlier this year, the web team started holding office hours in Stephens 109 every Monday at 3:30. In the new year, we’re going to have them every week — we’ll see you there!

11 rounds of web ambassador trainings

This year, we had web ambassador trainings almost every month. We’ll do monthly trainings next year, too, and you can sign up for a refresher.

10s of blogs — 10x8 to be exact

The Graduate School and Online Programs have done an impressive job highlighting their students, faculty, programs and more on their blogs. We can all use those for inspiration in the new year!

9 conversation channels in our new Teams collaboration tool

With our transition to Office 365, we now can use Teams as a collaboration and communication tool. If you’d like to get a quick training on how to use it, contact

8 (hundred thousand) visits to the main website

An impressive number! We averaged 2,355 visits to the website every day.

7 months with our new web trainer, Collin

We’re so excited to have Collin Wynne on the web team. He’s now in charge of web training, plus he’s helping us become more efficient in providing support to you, our web ambassadors.

6 Right Click newsletters

We revived our web ambassadors newsletter this year with the intention of improving communication between the web team and web ambassadors. Want to know more about something we haven’t covered in the newsletter? Let us know!

5 (thousand) pieces of new content

Y’all have been busy! Web ambassadors have created more than 5,000 pieces of new content on your websites this year.

4 months using the new calendar

The new calendar went live this semester, and we. are. loving. it. With so many convenient new features and the ability to share events between sites, it’s easier for everyone to use. Plus we’ve seen a 15% bump in traffic over last year!

3 new sites launched

Three new sites went live this year, including the calendar, the Division of Global Engagement, and the UL Lafayette Foundation’s giving website.

2 billion visits to all University websites

Yes, that’s billion with a B. And if it weren’t for you, wonderful web ambassadors, our websites wouldn’t exist for people to find the information they need. A round of applause for you all.

1 massive website redesign project

The website redesign project has swallowed so much of our time and effort this past year, and we can’t wait to unveil it this spring! Read more about the project and our updated timeline.



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Previous Blog Post

You’re busy. There’s too much to be done and not enough hours in the day. We get it. And we feel your pain.

Creating web content has been added to your plate on top of everything else you do. It may seem like too much or feel out of your comfort zone. We get that too.

Next Blog Post

We’re lifting the shroud on UL Lafayette’s website redesign! After much anticipation, we’re in the thick of planning for the new website.

We want to share what we heard throughout our research and also show you what we’re doing to address that feedback.