Work-Related FAQs

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Should employees on campus wear masks? 

Employees are recommended to wear masks while on campus. Refer to the University's masking policy for more information.

Will the University provide masks?

The University will provide two washable, cloth face-coverings for each employee who returns to work on campus. Cloth face masks must be requested by the dean, department head, or director of each area on campus. The request must be submitted through the Online Work Order Form by choosing “COVID Supplies” under Type of Service. Requests may be made multiple times as the need arises.

Disposable masks will also be provided by the University if needed. Face masks can be obtained at Central Receiving at 429 Cherry St. and picked up by departmental representatives.

Plexiglass face masks and shields are being ordered for workstations of employees who will have to interact face-to-face with others and are unable to social distance.

Please submit an Online Work Order Form for any of the needs above. Work Orders can be submitted via the online work order form. Choose “COVID Supplies” under Type of Service.

How will workspaces and offices be maintained and cleaned?

The Office of Environmental Health and Safety is responsible for the approval, central storage, and distribution of disinfectants. In collaboration with the Office of Student Health Services and ABM America (the University's custodial vendor), the following are approved products that will remove contaminants from any surface. They include:

  • a cleaner appropriate for disinfecting surfaces;
  • hand sanitizing liquid;
  • disinfectant wipes; and
  • bleach.

These products are also available at Central Receiving at 429 Cherry St. and may be picked up by departmental representatives.

Plexiglass face masks and shields are being ordered for workstations of employees who will have to interact face-to-face with others and are unable to social distance.

Please submit an Online Work Order Form for any of the needs above. Work Orders can be submitted via the online work order form. Choose “Safety” under Type of Service.

To minimize costs, the Office of Purchasing requests that departments refrain from purchasing these items on LaCarte cards or otherwise. For other emergency supply needs, please email

What is the University doing to support employees who are sick or are caring for dependents at home due to the COVID-19 pandemic?

Employees who are sick or caring for dependents have various leave options available to them. They should contact Human Resources for more information relevant to their specific situation.

What should I do if I am at a higher risk of severe illness from COVID-19?

Contact Human Resources for information and options based on your specific situation. Keep in mind that you may be required to provide a statement from your healthcare provider to support your need for accommodations.

How do I handle expenses associated with working remotely? (Printer, ink, paper, etc.)

Follow the Teleworking Guidelines. If purchases must be made, they must have approval to do so based on the approved teleworking request. Purchases must follow procurement and LaCarte rules and regulations.

How should my department deposit checks while working remotely?

Due to Covid-19, the lobby for Departmental Cashiers will be accessed from Room #117 (the door is located directly outside Martin Hall next to the double doors to enter the main building on the B.I. Moody side).

Please ensure that anyone entering Martin Hall must follow appropriate protocols and guidelines to ensure the safety of yourself and others around you.

Finally, please refrain from sending any deposits through interoffice mail or directly through the mail to the Post Office.  All deposits must be made in person by your department with Departmental Cashiers.

How should I complete my timesheet while working remotely?

University Computing Support Services has developed a service that enables employees to access WebAid on- or off-campus using their web browsers. No additional software is needed.

Access WebAid via a web browser.

View instructions and learn more about accessing WebAid remotely. Email the IT Service Desk with questions at