University to extend remote instruction and operations through Thursday, Jan. 23


The University of Louisiana at Lafayette now will transition to remote instruction and operations on Tuesday, Jan. 21, Wednesday, Jan. 22, and Thursday, Jan. 23, in anticipation of cold weather and precipitation. 
The University will continue to monitor weather, road, and campus conditions. A follow-up message will be sent on Wednesday, Jan. 22.
Residents will receive an additional email with information about dining and other campus services.
Students who are unable to participate in classes remotely should contact their professors. If a student needs further assistance, they can contact the Office of the Dean of Students at
Faculty and staff members who are unable to work remotely should contact their immediate supervisors.
For official updates, follow the University’s website and official social media accounts and check your University email.
If you have not signed up to receive alerts via the University's emergency notification system, please do so. To view instructions for adding or confirming your ENS information, log in to ULink and search for the Safety & Emergency Notification System card. There, you can view instructions and update your ENS email address, phone number and address. You can also download the UL Shield safety app, if you have not done so already.