Cessation Resources for Faculty & Staff

Preparing to be tobacco free is a challenge, but with determination and the right resources you can take the steps you need for a healthier, happier you.

  • Make the decision to quit and stick to it
  • Set a quit date and make a plan
  • Select resources and choose quit aids
  • Plan how you will deal with withdrawal and relapse
  • Maintain and enjoy a tobacco-free lifestyle

Employees are eligible for smoking cessation programs and/or nicotine replacement products and medications at little or no cost.

Employees with health coverage through the Office of Group Benefits Blue Cross Blue Shield of Louisiana are eligible to receive free tobacco cessation medications through their prescription drug benefit. Such products and medications include nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) products such as gum, patches, inhalers, nasal spray and lozenges, as well as the prescription medications Bupropion (Zyban or Wellbutrin) and Varenicline (Chantix).  OGB health plan coverage for each of the seven FDA‐approved cessation medications requires a written prescription, even for those sold over the counter. See the Group Benefits health management section for more information.

Employees without state health insurance may take advantage of tax-free cessation products and medications through the University’s cafeteria plan, the Health Care Flexible Spending Account. Visit the Office of Human Resources site for more information.

Campus quit partner

  • Counseling and Testing Center: Located on Hebrard, the Counseling and Testing Center offers University employees considering quitting support to help in the process.

Community quit partners

  • Quit with Us, LA: Provides tobacco users with important information and tips for quitting, and offers links to online resources and free statewide cessation programs
  • Louisiana Tobacco Quitline: Free coaching and support through certified quit coaches who work with each caller to develop a personalized quit plan, 24/7 support to keep you on track and medications. State employees qualify for up to five scheduled coaching sessions as well as web-based tobacco cessation services through the Quitline’s Web Coach Program.
  • Smoking Cessation Trust: If you are currently a Louisiana resident who started smoking prior to September 1,1988, and desire to stop smoking cigarettes, you can receive cessation medications, individual / group cessation counseling, telephone quit-line support, and/or intensive cessation support services at no cost
  • State Tobacco Cessation Coverage: Information on health insurance and plan coverage

National quit partners