Time to squash the rumors – your Drupal site isn’t being rebuilt

We’ve heard from the rumor mill that people are saying Drupal is going away and that everyone’s sites are being rebuilt. Good news. That is 100% false.

We moved everyone into Drupal so that we could easily update the look and layout of your sites without rebuilding them all over again. So basically, your site will get a facelift.

Websites should have a new look every three to five years. Our goal with Drupal was to have everyone in the same templates so that we could easily update the look of your sites without starting from scratch. And that’s just what we plan to do.

So take a deep breath, it's going to be okay!

While our team is currently working on an RFP to get new templates designed for all University sites to update the look, it will be years before those templates are applied to your sites.

We plan to leverage the Drupal platform and design new templates that will allow your current content to fall graciously into place on the new layouts.

Again, this is at least a year away from happening.

Once we have the templates built, we will let everyone know what the process will look like, what minor adjustments may need to be made, and what the timeline looks like for applying the themes. At that time we will meet with each of you to look over your site's analytics, review what you think works on your site and where you want to improve it, and we'll review your content to refresh it since it will have been a few years since we originally posted it all.

If you have questions, shoot me an email at aimee@louisiana.edu. I’ll be happy to talk to you about what’s coming and what it means to you and your site. But in the meantime, rest assured that we are going to make this as quick and easy as possible when the time comes.

Oh, and keep working on your content! There’s zero reason to stop feeding your website just because it will get a facelift in a couple of years.



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