Site update: Now all web ambassadors can see all unpublished items
Good news for the new year! Webmaster extraordinaire Eric and web developer extraordinaire Ryan have put in place a new module that lets us do something we’ve never done before.
Now, all web ambassadors—when logged in to their sites—can view all unpublished pages, regardless of who authored it.
How to view all unpublished pages
- Log in to your site and click on “Content” in the black admin toolbar at the top. You should see a full list of all content that’s on your site, with the most recently edited items at the top.
- Find the area on the page that says “SHOW ONLY ITEMS WHERE.”
Click the drop-down menu by “status” and click on “not published”
- Click on the “Filter” button.
The screen should refresh and show you all of the unpublished items, sorted by most recently edited.
When to unpublish
You should not unpublish main pages (like your home page or any of your main menu items) if you need to make updates. Instead, write your revised content in a word document and then copy and paste it into the live site.
Instead, this is a tool to use when a page is no longer relevant or you’re collaborating on the content with fellow web ambassadors without showing your incomplete work to the public. There's never a need to delete pages—just unpublish!
Also remember to work with your site’s other web ambassadors so nothing gets published before it’s ready (or re-published if the page has been been taken out of commission).
For many of us, this has been a pain point for a while, and we’re so glad that it’s finally resolved.
As always, if you have any questions or need a hand, we’re here to help. Email me at for any of your web content needs!