A New Way To Link PDF Documents

Web Ambassadors rejoice! Links to PDF documents can now be added from the Page Edit tab.

Veteran Web Ambassadors learned to link to a document using the old method: upload the file, click on a link, click on another link, copy the document's URL from the address bar, THEN go into the Edit tab of a web page, click the hyperlink icon, and paste the document's URL into the Link window. Whew! Not exactly intuitive or convenient.

Thanks to a new feature in Ragin' CMS, this process has been streamlined.

Now you can link to previously uploaded files directly from the page being edited (aka the WYSIWYG editor). When you click the Link button, you'll see a new Browse Server button in the Link window. Click that button, navigate to the desired file and click Insert File. Done!

We've updated the online tutorial with step-by-step instructions.



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