Coming Soon: Advanced Web Class

After a busy few years, almost all colleges, departments, and offices now have their own website in the new University templates. As web ambassadors, you've all been through the basics of how to write for and work in your website, but there's a lot more our sites have to offer.

And we want to teach you how to use them. Coming soon: an advanced web class, presented by Sasha and Elizabeth! Disclaimer: we're thinking the first class will be offered during the spring semester.

So far, we're thinking the advanced web class (official name to be determined) will include training on how to:

  • Make your site look better in search and rank higher in search results by using meta tags,
  • Publish news, events, and pages so they look good when they're shared on social media,
  • Embed photo albums,
  • Create custom URLs (the RIGHT way),
  • Access and read your Google Analytics, and
  • Do all the fancy things with webforms.

But we want to know what you want to learn to do! Ask, and we will do our very best to make sure you receive.

So use the comment section below to let us know what you want to get out of the advanced web class.

As always, if you have any questions about your sites (or want to commend me on using a West Side Story GIF in this blog post), email me at!



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