When's the last time you fed your site?

We're two weeks into the semester, and 2015 is well underway. It's time to stop and ask, "Is my website feeling neglected?"

Sure, it's not a puppy that will remind you when it needs to eat or go out every 2 hours, but websites have needs too. They can get lonely, cobwebs can start to accumulate, and your visitors will definitely notice.

Take some time this week to feed your site—update the news, check all of your facts to make sure they aren't outdated (especially since it's a new semester), and add some bragging points.

Your visitors will thank you.



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A quick guide to using your site's tools so you can improve the experience for every site visitor. Making your users trudge through mud to get the information they need is not exactly encouraging and doesn't say, "Welcome to UL Lafayette!"