Get the most out of the start of the semester

It came all too soon but here we are, staring down another start to the academic year. It's an exciting, yet stressful time for all of us as students roam the halls again in masses and class begins.

It's time to review web content and make sure that your site reflects this semester. Files need to be replaced, dates need to be edited, and events should start going onto your calendar.

But don't get overwhelmed! Let's take advantage of the momentum and new blood on campus!

Here are some ideas on how to get the most out of the start of the semester:

  • There are over 3,000 first-year students roaming the campus, eager to get involved and take it all in. Why not round some up for a focus group or ask a couple to do user testing for your site? 
  • Students are looking for jobs around campus. You might be able to recruit an intern web ambassador!
  • The start of a new school year is kind of like a reboot, so use this as an opportunity to reacquaint your colleagues with your role and how you support the website.
  • Get yourself on the agenda for faculty meetings to educate about the purpose and process of your website.
  • Most of all, get excited! The fall semester is upon us. So lets' kick some butt.


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