Dude, where's my news block?

As we get ready for the mobile launch, we're making some adjustments to our live sites so the transition will be a little easier. That includes making your news block disappear when your latest news entry is more than 90 days old.

On your mobile site, news and events will be the first item to display, so we want to make sure we have latest and greatest info up there. By publishing news frequently on your site, you're showing your site users that your department, office, college, or school is a happenin' place!

Whenever you have something to brag about, whip up a quick news post for your site. It's another chance for you to brag about your students and faculty, and we all know they're worth bragging about.

Don't worry — even if your news block disappears from your front page, your news is still archived on your site's News & Events page.



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A quick guide to using your site's tools so you can improve the experience for every site visitor. Making your users trudge through mud to get the information they need is not exactly encouraging and doesn't say, "Welcome to UL Lafayette!"

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