Earn two degrees faster.
UL Lafayette’s Accelerated Bachelor’s / Master’s (ABM) combined curriculum plans offer a streamlined path to earning an undergraduate degree and a graduate degree faster and more affordably.
How does it work? Upon admission to an ABM, you can take graduate courses in your senior year that count simultaneously toward both degrees.
Sometimes referred to as a 4+1 program or accelerated master’s program, the ABM prepares you to enter the job market with greater earning potential and a competitive edge.

To be eligible for ABM admission, you must:
- be in senior standing with a minimum of 90 credit hours and lacking no more than 30 semester hours to complete the baccalaureate degree
- have completed at least 24 hours of coursework at UL Lafayette, if a transfer student
- have an overall undergraduate GPA of at least 3.2
Some ABMs require a higher GPA and/or have additional admission requirements. Visit the University Catalog for more information.
A student may enroll in only one ABM.