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Grad School Truths & Myths


Ask 10 people what they think of grad school, and you’ll probably get 10 different opinions.

There’s a lot of grad school myths out there, but there’s also a lot of grad school truths. Here’s 5 of each for you to think through as you consider your grad school options.


Highest Paying Graduate Degrees


When it comes to salaries, the golden rule is to never talk about them— but we think differently. Find out which graduate degree can help you get the most out of your career and get the largest salary around!


Interview with the Dean


Meet Dr. Mary Farmer-Kaiser, who started teaching at UL Lafayette in 2000 and became Dean of the UL Lafayette Graduate School in 2014 after serving as Interim Dean for a year.


It's Never Too Late for Grad School


Late 20s to early 30s. Minimal outside commitments. Has the ability to consume unnatural amounts of caffeine. Lives in the lab and doesn’t remember the last time they had a full night of sleep.

That’s the portrait of a typical graduate student—the stereotype.
