Top Reasons Not to Go To Grad School, and Why You Should Ignore Them All

We get it. Grad school is a big investment of both time and money, and it’s a huge decision. But at the same time, it’s totally worth it! Don’t listen to the doubters. Let’s debunk some of the biggest excuses not to go to grad school.

1. It’s too hard to start over.

Some people think that if you take a break and try to get started again you’ll feel like you’ve forgotten everything from your undergrad years, or that you perhaps didn’t learn anything in the first place. Don’t worry—it’s more like a whole new world opens up. Keep your eyes and ears open, and just keep learning. And once you make it through the first semester and shake the rust off, you’ll fit right in.

2. It’s too late if you’re already started your career.Top Excuses People Give to Not Go to Grad School

Definitely not. In fact, it might even be a better option since many companies will help to pay for advanced degrees that they know will help their employees professionally grow. Demonstrating that you want to improve yourself in your field also shows your company that you’re serious about working for them and are invested in advancing the company. Also, some grad programs look for experience from their applicants so starting your career before grad school may be a prerequisite for attending.

3. It’s too expensive.

Sure, it’s not cheap, but with all the aid options out there, it’s as good a time as ever to jump into grad school. If you’re coming straight out of undergrad, you’re used to living frugally, and if not, you may have had a few years to save up to get ready. There are plenty of funding options available to you including assistantships, fellowships, grants, and tuition incentives. At the same time, graduate degrees are shown statistically to improve your earning potential over your lifetime. So the money you pay for grad school is an investment on your future. 

4. It doesn’t advance your career.

Don’t fall for this one. In some career paths, a graduate degree is essential, and in almost all others, it’ll boost your earning potential and build your resumé. In every field, an advanced degree gives you a definitive edge over the competition while putting you in a better position to advance.

5. You’ll have no social life.

This is one of the flimsiest grad school excuses. The people that you bond with over late-night study sessions, epic project successes, and ground-breaking research moments may end up being some of your best, and lifelong, friends. So, the structure of your social life may change, but its impact on your life will be immeasurable.



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