If you do not have the funds to attend the University, please visit one of the following offices for assistance.
The University offers several types of financial assistance programs or waivers:
- Financial Aid—Federal Pell Grants, Loans, and TOPS. The Financial Aid Office is located in Foster Hall.
- Scholarship assistance is based on various criteria. The Scholarship Office is located in Martin Hall.
- National Guard-Office of Veteran Services. The Office of Veterans Affairs is located in Foster Hall. Please fill out the National Guard Exemption Form and email it to bursar@louisiana.edu or turn in to our office.
- Please use the form attached for National Guard Exemption form.
Qualifying for more than one type of assistance may cause an overage, which will be refunded to you. See Refunds for further instructions. Overages may also create taxable income. See Is my scholarship taxable? for more information.