
The mission of the Student Government Association is to serve the student body of the University of Louisiana at Lafayette by representing students through a steadfast commitment to providing an environment conducive to the pursuit of student engagement; by ensuring opportunities for leadership development; and by engaging in student-driven initiatives in collaboration with university, city, and state officials in order to enrich the quality of student life and develop a unified Ragin’ Cajun community.

How do students vote?

Students will be able to vote using a link sent to them that will lead to a Pathways form. Each academic college has its own form. Students will only be able to vote on the form that is associated with their academic college. Students CAN vote cross-party. Emails will be sent throughout the day encouraging and reminding students to vote for SGA Elections! If students are having difficulty, please contact the Chief Elections Officer at ulsga.elections@louisiana.edu.

*SGA the week of elections will post video tutorials, instructions, and more information about elections*

For additional information on elections and ways to get involved in SGA, please reach out to the CEO, Chief Elections Officer, at ulsga.elections@louisiana.edu.




Presidential Candidates for Spring 2024:

  • Presidential Candidate: Cade Roy (Action Party)

Grade: Junior

Major: Political Science

Involvement: Honors Program, SGA Senate Chair, Campus Planning Committee

Awards/Honors: 5x President’s List, Student Convocation Speaker (Fall 2022), Homecoming Court (Fall 2022), Crisler-Levine Best Paper Award in Political Science Nominee (Fall 2023)

Why am I running: As an active member of SGA for the last two years, I believe in the power of active representation and student advocacy. I am running for student body president because I believe everyone deserves a leader who represents students’ diverse needs and concerns. With the trust and support of the student body, I want to work towards leaving UL a better place than when I found it.

Fun fact: I can whistle nearly any song!

  • Presidential Candidate: Frank Clavelle III (Excel Party)

Name: Frank Clavelle III

Major: Architectural Studies

Grade: Junior

As a fervent leader and server, Frank knew he had to run for the President of the Student Government Association. Under the EXCEL party, he aims to empower our students, and enhance the campus, and EXCEL in serving the university. During his time here at the university, he has been involved in and held leadership positions all across our campus. Being in things such as the Reginald F. Lewis Scholars Program has given him the opportunity to develop himself professionally, enhance his public speaking amongst diverse audiences, and gain the ability to effectively engage and communicate with high-level administrators and government officials within the Louisiana's higher education system. Frank is inspired to be that figure for people to show others that achieving things such as this is possible regardless of where you come from, who you are, and the things people tell you. Frank believes that everyone deserves their voice to be heard. As someone from a minority background, he understands what it is like to not be at the forefront. One of his big passions is sustainability. Knowing that one day his time will be up, he feels it is his duty to leave every space he occupies better than what it was when he found it. In his leadership journey, he has accumulated over 200 plus service hours. This has allowed him to see things from many different perspectives while also influencing, shaping, and impacting the lives of many for the better. As your student body President, he is here to serve.

Campus Involvement: Senator, Student Government Association (2023- present), University Program Center’s Cultural Connections Board Member (January 2023-present), National Society of Leadership and Success (2022- present), Big, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Acadiana (2022-present), Vice President, UL Chapter- National Organization of Minority Architecture Students (2023- Present), Treasurer, UL Chapter- National Organization of Minority Architecture Students (2022- 2023), UL Lafayette’s Honors Program (2022- present), Secretary & Presidents Committee, UL Black Male Leadership Association (2021- present).

Awards/Honors: New Student Convocation Speaker Select (2024). McNair Scholar (2023-present), University of Louisiana at Lafayette School of Architecture and Design, Design Merit Recipient (2023), Atkins Foundation Scholar (2023), James Carter Exemplary Leadership Award Recipient (2023), UL’s Black Faculty and Staff Association Academic Excellence Award Recipient (2023), UL Krewe of Roux Court (2023 & 2024). Louisiana Legislative Black Caucus Future Leaders Award- Reginald F. Lewis Scholars Program (2023), The National Organization of Minority Architecture Students, Student Representative Nominee (2022), UL Homecoming Court Nominee (2022 & 2023), UL SGA (Student Government Association) Scholarship Recipient (2022 & 2024). Edward Blanco Memorial Scholarship Recipient (2022), National Society of Leadership and Success Inductee (2022), Reginald F. Lewis Scholar (2022), Albert Architecture Award of Excellence Scholarship Recipient (2022), University of Louisiana at Lafayette School of Architecture and Design Commendable Progress Recipient (2021). Cypress Scholarship Recipient (2021- present), (1x President’s List), (3x Dean’s List).

Fun Fact: My favorite drink is water

Vice President Candidates for Spring 2024:

  • Vice President Candidate: Jasim Ali (Action Party)

Name: Jasim Ali

Grade: Junior in Mechanical Engineering

Campus Involvement and Achievements: Engineering Ambassador (Fall 2022-Present), Undergraduate Research Apprentice (Fall 2021 - Present), Student Government Association - Freshman College President (2021 - 2022), Student Government Association - College of Engineering Senator (2022 - 2023), Student Government Association - College of Engineering President (2023 - 2024), SOUL Camp Staff - Mentor (2021 - 2022), SOUL Camp Staff - Lead Staff (2022 - 2023), SOUL Camp Staff - Komeback Krewe (2023 - 2024), UL Big Event - Director of Training and Service (2022 - 2023),  UL Life Program - Mentor (2021 - 2022), Sigma Chi Fraternity IFC Delegate (Spring ‘21), Sigma Chi Fraternity Philanthropy Chair (Fall ‘21 - Spring ‘22), Sigma Chi Fraternity Vice President (Fall ‘23 - Spring ‘24), Outstanding Sophomore Award (2022), Outstanding Freshman Award (2021), UL Lafayette Live Oak Scholarship (2021 – 2025), UL Lafayette SGA International Friendship Non-Endowed Scholarship (2021 – 2023), UL Honors Scholars of Excellence Scholarship (Fall 2021 – 2023), Keller Zibilich Memorial Scholarship - Outstanding Sigma Chi Member (2022), Eagle Scout Recognition (2019), Optimist International Oratorical Competition Scholarship (2018), Most Outstanding Mu Class Brother Superlative (2022), Benjamin Piatt Runkle Courage Superlative (2023), Vigil Honor Member - Order of the Arrow, Boy Scouts of America (2023), 2 Time Elected Youth State Representative for the Boy Scouts of Americ, Elected as 1 of 12 key youth program leads for the National Order of the Arrow Conference (2023)

Being a part of the Student Government Association (SGA) for the last three years has been one of the most fulfilling experiences of my college leadership journey. I have had the privilege of serving since my very first year at UL Lafayette, starting as the freshman class president, progressing to the College of Engineering senator, and now holding the position of the College of Engineering president. I am a firm believer in advocacy and inclusion. Coming from an international background, I've found a profound sense of belonging and community within SGA. It is here that I want to extend my advocacy for students with diverse backgrounds, aiding them in achieving their goals and fostering a sense of community. As someone from a minority background, I understand the importance of representation, and I want students like me to see that it is possible to serve the entire student body while coming from a diverse background. I am grateful for the three years of experience that have prepared me for this position. These years have equipped me with the necessary processes and tools to effectively advocate for the student body as a whole through an organization that holds significant meaning for me. I am ready to continue serving and making a positive impact on our diverse and vibrant campus community.

Fun fact: I take pride in being an Eagle Scout and currently serve as one of the 12 key youth national leads for Scouting's National Honor Society, actively contributing to the planning and execution of our upcoming national conference!

  • Vice President Candidate- Isaiah Crawford (Excel Party)

Name: Isaiah Crawford

Grade: Senior in Kinesiology with Pre- Professional Concentration

Running for SGA Vice President under the EXCEL Party, Isaiah Crawford is a third-year senior majoring in Kinesiology with a Pre-Professional Concentration from New Orleans, Louisiana. He is a one-year member of SGA, serving as a senator for the College of Education and Human Development. Isaiah is also a member of the Reginald F. Lewis Scholars Program, the Black Male Leadership Association, the Student-Athlete Advisory Committee, the Black Student-Athlete Association, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, the Black Student Union, and the Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns men's basketball team. His involvement with the Reginald F. Lewis Scholars Program has given him the opportunity to develop himself professionally, publicly speaking amongst diverse audiences, and the ability to effectively engage and communicate with high-level administrators and government officials within the Louisiana's higher education system. Some of his recent engagement opportunities include presenting to the University of Louisiana System, serving as the Master of Ceremonies for the 2022 New Student Convocation, and being selected for the 2023 homecoming court. Within his other campus and community involvement, Isaiah has successfully accumulated over 200 plus service hours during his leadership journey at UL. This has allowed him to make a major impact on the lives of others while continuing to cultivate his servant leadership style.

In addition to campus and community involvement, he has excelled academically and has been the recipient of various academic and scholarship awards. As Vice President, Isaiah plans on unifying the student body, student-athletes, faculty, staff, and administration to create a family-like bond that fosters love and culture. He also plans on continuing the traditions of Sneaux Day by implementing new ideas to elevate the event and the experience for the students and campus community. He would like to incorporate other components into this program and future programs that will showcase the diversity and inclusivity of our Ragin' Cajun culture. Isaiah wants to ensure that everyone is provided with an opportunity to have a voice and a sense of belonging at SGA-affiliated events and programs. Transparency will be a key and critical focal point in this role, and he will strive to represent the student body and university to the highest standard of excellence. In his free time, he enjoys working out and giving back to his community. Isaiah is excited and looking forward to studying abroad this summer in Paris, France!

Treasurer Candidates for Spring 2024:

  • Treasurer Candidate: Brooke Davenport (Action Party)

Grade: Junior
Major: Secondary Math Education

Current Involvement: vice president of community relations in Alpha Omicron Pi Sorority, director of corporate sponsorships for the Big event, current college of education and human development SGA President, teacher prep student support services advisory board, teacher prep peer mentor co-chair, Student ambassador (leadership team), honors program

Fun fact: I was on Japanese national television.

“I want to let students know that they can come to me with any issues or ideas they have and I will do anything I can to help. I believe that I have the tools to bring this university forward. As treasurer , I would help to more organizations and individuals receive funding and support from the school. I would continue to monitor spending that the campus engages in and let the student body know where their funds are going."

Treasurer Candidate- Sean Meyers (Excel Party)

Grade: Junior

Major: Public Relations

Running for SGA Treasurer under the EXCEL Party, Sean Myers is a second-year junior majoring in Public Relations and minoring in Hospitality Management from Church Point, Louisiana. He is a two-year member of the Student Government Association, serving as Freshman President and College of Liberal Arts Senator. Besides SGA, Myers has been involved and held leadership positions in a variety of student organizations, including UPC's Student Activities Board, Student Orientation Staff, Delta Tau Delta Fraternity, Interfraternity Council, Honors Program, The Big Event, SLIDDE, and the Peer Mentor program where he has been able to see many different aspects of campus life. Myers also serves as a Student Ambassador where he introduces prospective students through giving campus tours. He was also the recipient of the 2023 Outstanding Freshman Award, a prestigious honor given to a freshman for exceptional accomplishment and involvement, and was awarded SGA's Rising Leader Award in 2023. As Treasurer, some of Myers' top goals include decreasing student fees and making SGA more transparent, both for SGA members, and the general student body.

Slated Chief of Staff and Campaign Managers:

*The following individuals will not be voted on but selected by the presidential candidates for the upcoming school year if they win the election on April 3rd-4th. These are supporting positions to an executive cabinet that are selected by the Student Body President, and these individuals are helping the Student Body President, VP, and Treasurer positions get elected but students will not cast a vote to elect in accordance to SGA Bylaws. *

  • Chief of Staff- Annaclaire Zerangue, EXCEL

Name: Annaclaire Zerangue, EXCEL
Major: Junior, majoring in Psychology; minoring in English

Miss UL Lafayette USA 2023
SGA College of Liberal Arts Senator
Treasurer of Ragin’ Swift Society, Member of Leading LIFE

Member of SLIDDE
Peer Mentor 2023-2024
Honors Board 2023-2024

Honors and Awards:
Top Scholar 2022
President’s List every semester
Dr. Maureen Brennan Endowed Honors Scholarship

I am helping run the campaign because:
I firmly believe EXCEL is an amazing group of student leaders who are ready to see and be the change. I am running with EXCEL because I value the hard workers and innovative students who are campaigning together. I have grown up on campus and value the traditions our school upholds; however, I am ready and excited to see how EXCEL can help this campus evolve and create new horizons for our University.

  • Chief of Staff, Caemon Scott (Action)

Name: Caemon Scott

Major: Junior in Public Relations

Involvement: UL Track and Field, SGA SAAC (Student-Athlete Advisory Committee) , BSAA(Black Student Athlete Association, MMA (Minority Male Athlete)

Award/Honors: 2023 Homecoming Court, 4X All-Sun Belt, 2023 Freshman Convocation Speaker, President’s List, NCAA Academic All-District Team, Sun Belt SAAC E-Board, Previous #9 in U-20 standings

I am committed to perpetuating efforts toward fostering positive change within our campus community. Helping and motivating others has always been my passion, and I strive for every student to feel heard by the university regarding their concerns, with genuine efforts made to address them. I aim to serve as a representative for all students on campus to the best of my ability, dedicating myself fully to this responsibility every day.

Fun Fact: My favorite Disney Movie is Lilo and Stitch

  • Campaign Manager, Jayden King (Excel)

Name: Jayden King

Major: Senior in Political Science with a minor in Leadership and History

Jayden King is a senior majoring in political science with minors in Leadership and History from Pineville, Louisiana. On campus, he is involved in a wide array of student organizations at different levels including President of the College of Liberal Arts in the university Student Government Association, Presidential Student Ambassador with the Office of the President, and Director of Volunteer Recruitment for the UL Big Event 2024. Over his four years at the university, Jayden has seen the many faces and sides of this great campus. He simply wants everything and everyone on this campus to EXCEL!

Presidential Candidates (Students vote for one):

  • Ava Welborn, Action

I am running for College of Business President because I have fallen in love with the university and am passionate about the well-being of students, especially those in my college. Through my experience as a senator, I feel ready to take on the responsibilities of president and hope to better the student body.

She has served on SGA for two years and is a current Senator for the College of Business. She is a member of Tri Sigma, where she has held positions like Mini Sisterhood Chair and Homecoming Co-Chair. She is the current Ducks Unlimited Co-Chair, VP of Marketing for SLIDDE, Lead Peer Mentor in the Peer Mentor Program, Sophomore Honors Board Representative, Honors Ambassadors Chair, UPC Traditions Board member, an intern for Athletics Marketing, a Student Ambassador for the university, and a member of other organizations on campus. She is honored to hold titles such as 2023 Panhellenic New Member of the Year and 2023 Queen Krewe Of Roux. 

  • Mallory Magnon, EXCEL

I am running for SGA to be a voice for our diverse student body and to advocate for realistic, sustainable change on campus. As a major supporter of campus involvement, I want business students to have an active voice in their college's SGA board and plan to serve as a representative of their wishes and desires for the College of Business.

Involvement at UL: Student Orientation Leader, Student Ambassador for the Honors Program, UL Society of Human Resource Management, Alpha Omicron Pi Fraternity, Vermillion Voix Choir

Involvement in the community: Festival International Marketing Liaison, Lafayette Convention and Visitors Commission Communications Intern, Festival International Volunteer, Moncus Park Volunteer

Fun Fact: I double-major in management and marketing with a concentration in international business!

Senator Candidates (Students vote for five):

  • Brianna Rattanachai, Action
  • Zackari Rodgers, Action

I am running to ensure the students of UL Lafayette and of the College of Business Administration have a place of comfort and unity. I want students to come together and take action for the things they want, knowing that everyone is in their corner!

Fun Fact: I love gaming!

  • Matthew Coker, Action

I am running because I want to be an advocate for students! I want to represent students’ needs and wants because they matter. Being an SGA Senator would allow me to be an advocate for many students no matter our differences.

Involvement: Chi Alpha, UPC Behind The Scenes Team, Marketing Secretary, Second Year Experience Committee.

  • Emma Trosclair, EXCEL

I decided to run for SGA to help expand awareness of issues on campus that affect the students and also help fix these problems. I never want the students to feel unimportant or unheard. They deserve the best of the best and I want to give it to them.

Fun Fact: I was on Student Orientation Staff my Sophmore year.

  • Kaiden Harris, EXCEL

I believe SGA isn’t doing what was promised to the students. And I want to be the one to help push for change. Students shouldn’t be ignored.

Fun Fact: As a freshman, I am the Director for Strategic Communications for The Big Event and the Chair for Cultural Connections at UPC.

  • Blythe Castille, EXCEL

Blythe loves the University for all it is and all it can be; that’s why she’s running to be an advocate for consistent housing, transportation, and sustainability. Her goal is to be able to relieve students of worrying about these things so they can focus on their studies and enjoy their college experience.

Involvement: Economics Research Assistant, Honors student, Economics club Vice President, Black Academic Excellence Award, Volunteers with Parish Proud and Lafayette Speech and Debate teams.

  • Amanda Vincent, Action

I am running for SGA to try to make our campus a better place and to try to ensure everyone’s voices are heard.

Fun Fact: I am a member of Tri Sigma sorority.

  • JP Furman, EXCEL
  • Parker Mills, EXCEL

I love to be involved all over campus. I believe if I were to be elected I would be able to solve problems students have had within the college.

Fun Fact: I am on the Student Activities Board!

The voting link will be posted the week of elections for the College of Business.

For more information or questions, please email ulsga.elections@louisiana.edu 

Presidential Candidate:

  • Elizabeth Hale

*Elizabeth Hale is elected to serve 2024-2025 College of Education President due to no other applicants*

Senator Candidates:

  • Lizzie Wineski, Action

I am running for this position to make a positive impact and be a resource for education students. Be the change you want to see in the world!

Fun Fact: I have been honored to serve in multiple positions in my sorority for the past three years, and am currently the incoming President of Tri Delta for the 2024-2025 term!

  • Orlando Harris, Independent
  • Christian Stewart, EXCEL
  • Gracie Wood, Action

I want to be an advocate for my peers. I want to represent our education students to the best of my ability by listening to their grievances and taking them to the Senate to be sure that they feel heard. My priority is to ensure that every student is aware that they have a voice and that their opinions are valued greatly!

I serve on Alpha Delta Pi's executive board as our Director of Philanthropy, and I love being able to work directly with our local Ronald McDonald House Charities. Also, I plan on going to medical school to become an Emergency Room Physician (it's my dream job)!

  • Robert Batarseh, Action

I'm running for the opportunity to not only be a voice for the university's students, but to take action into my own hands as a student myself. I'm striving to bring an unmatched level of servitude to the College of Education while also bringing the kinesiology community more attention and a louder voice. I feel as if kinesiology is underrepresented in the SGA. I will work endlessly to fix that, while simultaneously advocating for the greater good of the students, regardless of what must be sacrificed.

"I aim to be as involved as possible in the university!

"I'm also Jordanian!"

  • George Aggrey, EXCEL
  • An'Jel Boyd, Action

Being a part of SGA is such an honor as I get to be surrounded by like-minded individuals, serve, and be an advocate for the student body at our University. This organization has provided many networking opportunities with peers and faculty as well as other ways to enhance my leadership skills through service. As a current senator for the College of Education and Human Development (COEHD), my college delegation and I are continuously working to improve student accessibility and provide scholarship opportunities that can enrich students’ experience and enhance the quality of the College of Education and Human Development. If I am re-elected as a Senator, I will be committed to continue to make a positive impact on the student body as well as our University.

Fun Fact: I am a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc., Student Government Association, Educators Rising Club, and the National Honor Society for Leadership and Success.

  • Avery Toups, Independent

Having been a lifelong supporter of Ragin' Cajun, I've decided to run for SGA senator to address issues affecting our campus and bring about positive change. Through raising awareness and advocating for solutions, I aim to unite students and enhance our university experience while also developing valuable negotiation and advocacy skills for my future endeavors.

Involvement: Active member of Sigma Chi Fraternity, Member of the American College of Sports Medicine.

  • Kayla Stallings, EXCEL

I am running for SGA because I want to become more involved with my community. I want to expand my leadership skills, connect more with students and faculty, and overall work on creating a more inclusive environment for students in the College of Education and Human Development.

Fun Fact: I am currently the President of Kappa Delta Sorority!

  • Mya Beverly, EXCEL

I decided to run for the College of Education SGA senator to work with like-minded people and to be a voice for others so we can improve and support our peers in education. If I’m elected I would love to find other conferences for education majors to attend to build connections in the teacher community.

Involvement: A board member of the UPC University Traditions Board, SOUL camp mentor 2023, SOUL camp Komeback Krewe 2024, A member of Educators Rising Collegiate

One fun fact about me is when I was younger I used to play school with my cousins and I always wanted to be the teacher."

Link to voting (Opens 6 am April 3rd- 4:30 pm April 4th): https://louisiana.presence.io/form/2024-college-of-engineering-sga-elect...

Presidential Candidates (Students will vote for one):

  • George Glover, EXCEL

I am running for SGA because I want to ensure that all students have a voice and that it is heard. I will make it a main goal to put the needs that exist within our student community first, assuring that nothing goes unaddressed. Running for SGA will help me make a meaningful impact here on our campus.

While here on campus I have served on UPC for three years.
- 2022 Krewe of Roux Coordinator
- 2023 University Traditions Board Chair
- 2024 University Traditions Board Member
I am a current Engineering Ambassador for the College of Engineering, and I served on the 125-anniversary planning committee.

  • Kennedy Malley, Action

In celebrating the multitude of perspectives, backgrounds, and talents that our community encompasses, I am inspired to step forward as a candidate dedicated to championing equity, unity, and empowerment within our College of Engineering. With a focus on collaboration, innovation, and inclusivity, I am committed to ensuring that every student has a voice and feels empowered to make a difference.

A fun fact about me is that I have been vegetarian for 8 years! I also love to golf in my free time!


Senate Candidates (Students will vote for four):

  • Mack Brashier, Action

As an advocate for diversity and innovation in engineering, I am poised to bring my passion to the forefront as I run for a senator position in SGA this year. With a drive for empowering women in STEM fields, I am passionate about fostering an inclusive environment within the engineering community. My leadership skills and dedication make me a great candidate for amplifying student voices, advocating for equitable opportunities, and ensuring that all students have the resources they need to succeed. I am ready to engineer a brighter future for all students.

Fun Fact: I am the Vice President of Committees for Phi Mu Alpha Sigma. 

  • Jalen Jackson, EXCEL
  • Caitlyn Dumas, EXCEL

I am running to build a sense of community and inclusivity among the student body. I also want to have the ability to advocate for student needs and concerns.

I am a member of the Student Activities Board (UPC) , the National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE), the Black Student Union (BSU), and an Engineering Ambassador.

  • Talik Johnson, Action

My whole purpose in running for Senator of the College of Engineering is to be a representation of people of color who may not feel as though their voice is heard and also to promote collaborative techniques that will bring all branches of the engineering department together.

I am a Good Citizenship Award winner and my involvement consists of the National Society of Black Engineers, Black Student Union, Engineering Ambassador, Student Orientation Staff, Student Ambassador, and Student Activities Board Chair.

  • Uriel Mendez- Vasquez, EXCEL
  • Caleb Russo, Action
  • Amyri Braud, EXCEL

I am running for Engineering Senator to improve the engineering community and help engineering students identify important campus resources. I want to help engineering students network and promote a positive relationship with students and the administration.

Fun Fact: I love to play tennis (I'm on the tennis club team for UL) and I like to paint & draw, shop , and hang out with friends.

If you have any questions, please email ulsga.elections@louisiana.edu

The link to voting for the College of Engineering will be posted the week of the elections. 

Link to voting (Open April 3rd at 6am- April 4th at 4:30pm): https://louisiana.presence.io/form/2024-college-of-liberal-arts-sga-elec...

Presidential Candidates (Students will pick one candidate):

  • Serena Alaniz, EXCEL

I am running for SGA because I believe every student deserves their voice to be heard. I want to promote student rights and to create a comfortable platform in which all students can express any and all concerns they may have.

Fun Fact: I went to the Tri Sigma Academy in Dallas!

  • Denaecia Lewis, Action

Within my college, I want to put a lot more things into ACTION. I not only want to see The College of Liberal Arts grow but I also want to start many different conversations within the college that have never been brought up before.

Fun Fact: I was a military ball queen in high school at JROTC!

Senator Candidates (Students will pick six candidates):

  • Ariyannah Thibeaux, EXCEL

I am running in order to bring more transparency to the student body. I want them, especially liberal arts majors, to see that there is something for them in SGA, and we hear them. I want to be the voice for the students who don't speak up about things.

I am involved in Student Orientation Staff, Peer Mentor, and Presidential Student Ambassador.

  • Cameron Terrell, Independent

As a Liberal Arts Senator, my goal is to work with my peers to solve the issues we face in class, and around our campus to make school more welcoming and exciting for all students. Being a new face on campus is important because I bring many new ideas and solutions along this college journey. In the 4 years that I have been on this campus, I plan to do as much as I can to make this home for all students.

I am currently a general body member of the Black Student Union (BSU) and the Black Male Leadership Association (BMLA). I also had the honor to make the Dean’s List with a 3.6 GPA.  In my free time, I enjoy working out, playing basketball, and hanging out with friends.

  • Nicholas Lawson, EXCEL

Nick is running to address the concerns of Liberal Arts students on campus, especially regarding the state of Griffin Hall and to highlight liberal arts majors and minors as a pathway to success. Nick is also running to help bridge the gap between the liberal arts staff and the students to increase transparency and to help build up the Liberal Arts programs at UL.

Fun Fact: I currently serve as the Interfraternity Council President.

  • Seth Benton, EXCEL

To improve our campus and making needed changes that we haven’t seen in prior years. I want to EMPOWER our student body and ENHANCE their experience while here, whether it be academic, social, or mental.

Fun fact: The Edge Apartment movie theater is named after me.

  • Stefani Monfra, Action

I am super excited to be running for College of Liberal Arts Senator as I want to offer transparency. With that, I want to push the perspective that SGA members are students too, and that our main job is to help amplify YOUR voice, not our own.

A fun fact about me is that I love coffee and coffee-flavored ice cream! Throughout my time at the university, I have been heavily involved as I have been a part of UPC, Peer Mentors, Soul Camp, and my sorority, Alpha Omicron Pi.

  • Emily Lamkin, Action

I am running for liberal arts senator because my biggest goal in life is to make changes that the majority would like to see. At the university, I know there are things people want to be implemented and/or done away with. If given the opportunity, in this position, I’d do my best to make changes that students truly want to see while still maintaining the traditions of the university.

In less than a year on campus, I have involved myself with multiple organizations. I am currently a member of Tri Sigma Sorority, a University College Senator, and a member of the Honors Program, and I am currently training to be a SOUL camp mentor in the fall.

  • Jeanne Myers, Action

I am running for SGA in order to become more involved on campus. I want to meet like-minded students who have a passion for academics and want to make a difference.

My favorite award that I have ever received is from when I used to ride horses!

  • Mia Lovecchio, Action

As a candidate for senator of the College of Liberal Arts for SGA, my main goal is to increase community involvement by giving our student body more opportunities in whichever field they wish to pursue. I promise to give my all, and voice, and express whatever you may need to succeed after college.

Involvement: 2022-2033 Panhellenic Delegate, 2023-2024 Philanthropy Chairwoman for Phi Mu Alpha Sigma, UL Leading Life Mentor, and Greek Unity Board.

  • Trinity Stewart, Action

As a leader, it’s my job to create an environment that will allow all students to be as successful as possible. With the help of my colleagues, I want to take the College of Liberal Arts to new levels by providing adequate support and guidance to our students.

I love being involved on campus! I’m the Co-Historian and Social Media Committee Lead for the Black Student Union, I’m on the SOUL Camp Lead Staff, I’m a dancer, and I’m a member of Chi Alpha.

  • Maelin Crum, EXCEL

Maelin's hopes of being elected as a Senator for the Student Government Association stems from her desire to improve the student body and campus life overall. She is a firm believer in building up the community by improving academic resources, sustainability practices, campus facilities, and student engagement by addressing concerns voiced by her peers. Her intense passion for the university and her strong dedication as a leader is a great combination to advocate for the student body in a way that will truly make a change alongside the other EXCEL candidates.

Maelin currently holds a position on Tri Sigma's Officer Board as Chapter President, and she would love the opportunity to serve her peers in an even greater capacity by being elected as Senator for the Student Government Association.

  • Jacilyn Rabb, EXCEL

I decided to run for SGA, because of my passion, for being the mediator between the government and the public, but in this case, the student body and student government. This perfectly aligns with what I want to pursue as my career, therefore you can trust that I will take this seriously.

I currently work as an undergraduate research assistant for the Blanco Public Policy Center on campus.

  • Ashlee Trahan, Independent

I would love to have the chance to make a difference on campus and in my community through this position.

A little bit about me is I am a freshman studying Political Science. I am also a first-generation college student and the youngest of five kids. Since being here, I have joined Tri Sigma Alpha Mu. Where I serve proudly as a Philanthropy Assistant, helping my chapter with its Philanthropic needs and goals. When I have free time, I enjoy playing goalie in intramural soccer for my sorority and volunteer at my local Boys and Girls Club teaching kids how to play tennis.

  • Lainnie Bourque, Independent

I am running in hopes of having a positive impact on our school community. I also strive to improve issues important to students and help to contribute to campus improvement.

I enjoy mentoring younger students through their process of interning at college. Last year I achieved this by joining the peer mentor program. Helping others can be a very rewarding experience.

  • Grace Russo, Action
  • Louis Cohn, Independent
  • Andrew DaBella, EXCEL

I am running not to only further expand the ties between Greek life and the other councils in our school. But to also help make the overall student life great again at the university like it was before COVID-19 and make it even better. I would also like to figure out where exactly all these fees go that we are forced to pay for in our tuition, and possibly help to reduce these if possible.

I am the president of Phi Kappa Theta, which I have been involved with since the fall of 2019 where I have learned things to propel me in a leadership role that I believe could help to better our campus.

Link to voting (April 3rd at 6 am April 4th at 4:30 pm): https://louisiana.presence.io/form/2024-college-of-nursing-and-allied-he...

Presidential Candidates (Choose one):

  • Asa Trail, EXCEL

I aim to foster a supportive environment where nursing students can thrive academically and personally, and to spearhead programs that promote wellness and professional development. I'm passionate about representing our cohort's interests and bringing our ideas to the forefront of the college's agenda.

I am a Nursing Clinicals Mentor within the College. Last fall, I received the Student Recognition Award for Performing Bystander CPR in a Non-Clinical Setting. I am also a part of various volunteer organizations.

  • Tia Miller, Action

Hey y'all! My name is Tia Miller and I am in Nursing 308/309! I am currently a Nursing Senator for SGA, so I am confident that my experience with being involved in the organization will benefit the advancement of the Student Government Association as well as the College of Nursing and Health Sciences. I am running in order to enhance the nursing student experience and adhere to any wants/needs that may arise! :)

My major is my passion! That being said, I am also involved in the Student Nurses Association, Acadiana Black Nurses' Association, and Nursing Dean's Advisory Board! I also volunteered in the Newborn ICU, received the Lafayette General Medical Center Auxillary Scholarship, and attended the National Student Nurses Association Convention in Nashville, TN! :)

Senator Candidates (Choose five):

  • Ivory Amos, Action
  • Johnathan Billeaudeau, EXCEL

  • Johnnie Hardy, Action
  • Jaylen Perry, Action
  • Dexter Walker, Action
  • Kalie Robin, EXCEL

I want to be an advocate for the students in the College of Nursing and for them to know they have a voice. It’s important to meet the needs of the students and hear out each and everyone’s ideas. I feel there can be some changes that can be made and running for SGA senate is taking a step in the right direction.

I am currently a UL nursing mentor for the students in 208/209 and Nursing Christian Fellowship. I also am a part of Phi Mu Alpha Sigma at Phi.

  • Avery Grace Hebert, EXCEL

I am running to be an SGA senator for the College of Nursing because I am passionate about being involved in a student leadership group working toward making an impact on our campus and community. Together, we will EXCEL university!

I was the 2022-23 Louisiana State Beta Secretary and a current member of the Ragin Jazz dance team here at the university.

  • Cheyenne Clark, Action

I am running for nursing senator because I love being an advocate for my peers as well as I have a passion for the College of Nursing and its overall advancement. Being a senator would allow me to be the voice of so many within my college and help make changes within the college to elevate it to the next level.

A fun fact about me is I have been a part of SOUL Camp for the last year and a half where I have learned so much valuable information about the university that would help me in my position as a nursing senator.

  • Ja'katelyn Willis, EXCEL

I decided to run for SGA because I want to be included in things going on around our campus. I want to add my input and improvements to the campus, especially the nursing program. I want to advocate for nursing students and create a positive environment to increase the success of our nursing students.

A fun fact about me is that I have been a part of the Student Orientation Staff for 3 years.

  • Matthew Abapo, EXCEL
  • Lauren Pitre, Independent

I’m running to be an SGA nursing senator because I want to advocate for collaboration with peers and for the betterment of mental health. While the nursing program encourages to work with peers, there isn’t a push for it. I also believe there needs to be a stronger emphasis on self-care through the promotion of mental health practices that can benefit everyone.

I’m a soul camp mentor, actively involved with the Tri Sigma sorority, and an honors ambassador!

  • Khloe Carr, Independent
  • Ceira Jones, Independent

I am running for Nursing Senator because I believe the College of Nursing has made a lot of improvements as far as technology and appearances, but not as many advancements have been made catering to student satisfaction. I want to be a student advocate and help move into place the wants and needs of the students sitting behind desks and standing in clinical spaces day in and out.

I got to serve on Krewe of Roux Court 2024 as the UL Student Nursing Association’s representative! I also helped decorate our float and we won the People’s Choice Award!


If you have questions, please reach out to ulsga.elections@louisiana.edu

The link for voting will be posted the week of the elections. 

Link to voting (April 3rd at 6am-April 4th at 4:30pm): https://louisiana.presence.io/form/2024-college-of-sciences-sga-elections

Presidential Candidates (Choose one):

  • Izamary Lara, Action

As a first-generation Latina Woman, I was always on the lookout for a helping hand to help me find my way through college. I am running because I hope to be an advocate for our student body and that hand students can reach out to when they need help not only in the College of Sciences but all across the university! I hope to be able to bridge the communication gaps between students and faculty as well as provide more resources to our students to help them succeed.

I was born in Houston, Texas but grew up in Lafayette and I speak both English and Spanish. I work for the Office of Residential Life as an RA in Coronna Hall, I also am involved in our Honors Program, Peer Mentor Program, and Residential Hall Association.

  • Elissa Harb, EXCEL

As an International Student, SGA was never something we knew of or were looking to interact with. Truthfully, only had known it mainly by name and not by actions. I have made it my responsibility to ensure that not only International Students feel inclined to communicate and get involved with SGA where the need arises, but also all students.

Lebanese born and raised. Trilingual: fluent in Arabic, French, and English.Human teeth enthusiast (Dentistry). President of Alpha Lambda Delta - Honor Society for First Year Academic Success. President of the International Student Council. Lead Peer Mentor. Worked as a Mentor for the UL Life program.

Senator Candidates (Choose five):

  • Kayla Scioneaux, EXCEL
  • Lauren Gremillion, Action

I am running for this position in SGA to make an impact and improve this campus, specifically the College of Sciences. I feel this is an amazing way to get involved while simultaneously enhancing the university.

I am on the executive board of Phi Mu!

  • Brenden Daigle, Action

After a year of involvement as an SGA Secretary of Wellness, I am hoping to further expand my involvement as a representative of the student body! I enjoy serving my peers by voicing the needs of their various forms of involvement, and I hope to continue to do my best to adequately support and address these needs!

I am currently acting in the Phi Kappa Psi fraternity as their Treasurer, the honors college, SGA as a secretary of wellness, and as a proud member of the Action party!

  • Kylie Zeno, EXCEL

I decided to run for SGA to help improve our campus and student body. Every student at the university deserves to have a voice and EXCEL in their studies. I am ready to serve and enhance the College of Sciences.

I am a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc.

  • Brandon Scie, EXCEL
  • Joseph Lonero, Action


Originally, I was encouraged by my peers to join the Action Party and to run as a senator; however, my reason for running is much more than this. As a biology pre-med student, I interact with many other students in the College of Sciences and am frequently in Billeaud, Wharton, and Montgomery Hall, so I am able to experience firsthand what many students desire to see in the classroom and in their program. I have had to opportunity to meet so many great people and have made lifelong friends at this college, and if I am elected to be a senator, I hope to use this position to serve and give back to the many incredible people of this college.

I am the biggest Saints fan in Lafayette!

  • Jillian Ferguson, EXCEL

Jillian really loves this University, and wants to see it be the best University it can be!

Jillian is a student ambassador for the university and is a part of HOSA.

  • Peyton Parrish, Action
  • Chloee Holt, Independent

​Once elected, I will ensure all opinions and ideas about our campus needs will be heard and considered. I will work to expand our college’s involvement in our community assisting individuals who could use an extra hand. Maintaining our naturally beautiful campus is important, and I will lead preservation efforts so that the next generation of students can continue to study, enjoy, and maintain its native integrity.

I am passionate about natural science and preserving our ecosystems on and off campus. Community involvement is very important to me. I have volunteered in my community planting native wildflowers in Moncus Park, to beautify the natural landscape. I am a firm believer that we all should play a role in helping others who are in need. I am working to start a food backpack program that would provide food at no cost to K-12 students and their families. My little sister is a Make-A-Wish kid. My mom, sisters, and I volunteer with the foundation so other children like her can have the same opportunity to make wishes of their own. One fun fact about me: My mom is a professor. She published a book this past July, (Revisiting John Dewey: Applying What He Said 100 Years Ago to Today’s Need). My sisters and I got to write the forward in her book. My mom is my best friend and my greatest role model. She’s always taught me to use my voice to stand up for my community, my school, and my environment. I can’t wait to use my voice to represent you in SGA!

  • Titus Boudreaux, EXCEL

LINK TO VOTING FOR ARTS (OPENS APRIL 3RD AT 6 AM- CLOSES APRIL 4TH AT 4:30 PM): https://louisiana.presence.io/form/2024-college-of-arts-sga-elections

Presidential Candidates (Students select one candidate):

  • Nicholas Leblanc, EXCEL

 I am very proud to be a student at the university. I believe that it is important for every student to be involved and connected. By seeking the office of College of the Arts President, I hope to have an opportunity to share ideas and make a difference.

I've been involved in community theater since the age of 9. Last spring, I performed in the  production of "The Great American Songbook: The Golden Age of Broadway." I had the opportunity to act in two movies and a TV show- "Where the Crawdads Sing," "The Thing About Pam," and "Emancipation" with Will Smith.  I have been named to the President's List for the past 4 semesters.

  • Drake Hardy, Action

After spending one year on SGA I was hooked. I knew I wanted to come back and be a part of the bigger changes that I wanted to see around our campus.

Fun Fact: I am a first-generation college student.

Senator Candidates (Students select three candidates)

  • Emily Calcagno, EXCEL
  • Caleb Dixon, Action
  • Gannon Bourque, Action


When I first arrived here as a freshman, I never would’ve thought I’d be running for SGA.  But, after learning about the incredible work done by previous administrations, and realizing the importance of all students having a voice and representation, I was eager for a chance to be part of this organization!

I marched Carolina Crown!

  • Kaitlyn Kemper, Action

I am running for the SGA Senator position for the College of the Arts because I am passionate about improving the college experience for art students as well as being a part of an organization that values excellence within growth. So far, my time at the university has been amazing, and with my involvement, I have been able to observe on a deeper level what students need for their academic achievement; however, I believe with my ideas and drive, improvements can be made that will further make our academic college great. My goal is to bring forth innovation and quality within my academic college in addition to the university as a whole by allocating for students and their needs.

A fun fact about me is that for 12 years of my life, I played the Viola. Although I have retired recently, music will forever be one of my passions and has shaped me into the person I am today.

My Involvement: Resident Assistant 2023-Present, Peer Mentor 2023-Present, Honors Student 2022-Present, NOMAS Member 2022-Present, SDC Member 2023-Present, Resident Hall Association Member 2023-Present
University of Louisiana Orchestra 2021-2024, ASRE Pathways Student 2023-Presents

I’ve been on the Dean's list, and received the Black Student Achievement Award and Academic Excellence Award.

  • Amaris Milano, EXCEL

I decided to run because I would love to advocate for my academic college, along with the university as a whole. I want to help students have a voice and be a part of the positive change in our university!

I am in the university symphony as the principal violist!

  • Christopher Shelvin, EXCEL

If you have any questions, please email ulsga.elections@louisiana.edu

The link to voting for the College of Arts will be posted the week of the elections.

Link to voting:

UC College Students- https://louisiana.presence.io/form/2024-university-college-sga-elections 

Trio and Honors Students- https://louisiana.presence.io/form/2024-university-college-sga-elections...

Presidential Candidates:

  • Winter Sullen, Action

I am running for SGA because I care about making a positive impact on campus! My passion for creating change and helping others would be awesome in a leadership role. Plus, my creative ideas could really benefit the student body.

I am a 2023 Gordon Rickels Honor Scholarship winner.

  • Mia Lucas, EXCEL

I decided to run for SGA because, throughout my years on campus, I have seen how much the student body can accomplish when they work together and how much this campus has grown since I was a kid. I want to make a positive impact on this campus that lasts for generations and continue the trend of positive growth that makes the university so special to me and so many others.

I am an honors student who is currently a graduating Biology Major, but starting in the fall semester I will be a Performing Arts Major with a concentration in theatre technology and design! Fun Fact: I’ve been performing on stage since the 5th grade!

Senator Candidates:

  • Andromeda "Andy" Lopez, EXCEL

I care very deeply about the university as a whole, and more particularly the honors program. I want to be able to increase the amount of classes that students can take for honors credit, and make a lasting impact on the campus that I love so much.

I have been a part of the Honors Department since I first started on UL's campus and plan to stay in it until I graduate.

  • Gabrielle St Pierre, Action
  • Hiyam Jhane, Action

I am running because I would like to help achieve the goals of the SGA as well as help students with any type of improvements that they would like to see.

I am the treasurer of the Arabic Culture Club (ACC), I am a part of Educators Rising, as well as the honors program.

  • Maci Jackson, EXCEL