Upcoming Series about Mobile Learning


Come learn how to effectively integrate mobile technology into learning. Establish a strategy for incorporating mobile learning into higher education instruction.

We will be streaming sessions in the Dupre Library Bibliographic Lab (1st Floor) from the Mobile Learning series presented by Educause


Mobile Learning: Effectively Integrating Handheld and Wearable Technology into Learning Spaces

Handheld devices and wearable technologies continue to offer exciting possibilities for an already connected and mobile culture. Ubiquitous Internet access continues to transform the options and ways we exchange information, conduct our social lives, do business, and make meaning. On campus, smartphones and tablets are as common as backpacks and books while wearable technologies are steadily increasing in adoption among learners of all ages. The mobile experience in higher education has matured from early novelty uses and efficiencies such as taking attendance, polling, and offering apps that stream student services, content consumption, collaboration, access to course management systems and extension of the learning space into the online, blended, and face-to-face learning environment.

The dizzying pace of new technology releases, apps, and the limitless options for use present ongoing challenges and opportunities for higher education. At the same time, institutions are being challenged to offer a high-quality product while simultaneously reducing the cost for the student. Within the next decade, the first generation of students born after the release of the iPhone will enroll in college possessing a mobile skill set unparalleled by previous classes. An effective mobile strategy is an opportunity to attract, engage, teach, and support today's students.


During these events, participants will:

  • Examine a brief history of mobile learning to establish a theoretical framework for the integration of mobility in higher education
  • Develop a mobile learning pedagogy
  • Establish a personal mobile learning strategy

To learn more about these upcoming events, select the dates below: