DL Events
Mark your calendar and plan to join us this fall for the following Distance Learning events!
October 15, 2:00 pm: Moodle Users Group (MUG)
Dupre Library Lounge (room 221)
Faculty are invited to learn about Moodle 2.7 updates and upcoming pilots.
October 31-November 17: Applying the Quality Matters Rubric 5th edition workshop (online)
The online APPQMR workshop is available to faculty who have not completed QM training online. More information about QM available here.
November 10-14: National Distance Learning Week
Faculty will have the opportunity to participate in various activities and events.
Mid-December: Electronic Course Peer-Review (winter cycle)
Faculty who have completed QM training may participate as a course reviewer. If you would like to have a course reviewed, contact your Instructional Designer.
Winter: EdCamp
Faculty will be invited to participate in this "un-conference" on distance learning topics of their choosing. More details coming in September.
DL Opportunities
Contact the Office of Distance Learning if you are interested in participating in the following:
Task Forces
- Moodle Users Group (MUG)
- Student Support
- Faculty Incentives
- CAFE (Cajun Academy for Faculty Excellence)
- Lynda.com
- Moodle 2.7