A contribution gift to the Ernest J. Gaines Center helps the University expand the research collections and programming at the center.
We appreciate your generosity.
“Words mean nothing. Action is the only thing. Doing. That's the only thing.”
—Dr. Ernest J. Gaines
Tax Deductible Contributions
Tax-deductible contributions to the Gaines Center can be made online to the University of Louisiana at Lafayette Foundation.
Contributions can also be sent to the UL Lafayette Foundation at P. O. Box 43539, Lafayette, LA 70504.
Designate Ernest J Gaines Center Fund for your contribution
Book Purchase
This Louisiana Thing That Drives Me: The Legacy of Ernest J. Gaines

This Louisiana Thing That Drives Me (UL Lafayette Press, 2009) is a book in pictures and words that includes an introduction by Ernest J. Gaines, an original poem by Wendell Berry, and short essays by Reggie Scott Young, Marcia Gaudet, and Wiley Cash. The book uses photographs and quotations from Gaines’s fiction and essays to create a narrative of the land and people who inspired him, the literature he produced, and his legacy. All royalties from the book will go to the Ernest J. Gaines Center. You can purchase a copy from the University of Louisiana at Lafayette Press.